More US (and NZ) housing market news from
(Landlords who think they’ll be able to ratchet rents up as the Australian real estate market bursts might want to read the last two items.)
The Housing Slump Continues And The South Is Where It’s Worst ( Discuss
Foreclosure Crisis and Opportunity ( Discuss
Bay Area houses you can buy for the national median price of $157,000 ( Discuss
US Housebuilder Confidence Fell in April on Sales Outlook ( Discuss
Will 20% Down Require Waiting 14 Years to Buy a House? ( Discuss
Fed Aims at Mortgage Fraud, Shoots Housing Market in the Gut (Charles Hugh Smith) Discuss
NZ considers new tools to combat housing bubbles ( Discuss
Goldman Sachs and Executive Charged With Fraud (At Last!) ( Discuss
Negative S&P Outlook for the US Explains Nothing ( Discuss
S&P and Interest Rates ( Discuss
QE3 coming up? ( Discuss
Economic deja vu from the 1937-38 recession ( Discuss
Weird difference in oil prices by location ( Discuss
The Education Bubble (Mish) Discuss
Developer bets people will buy tiny ‘micro-houses’ ( Discuss
Backyard Cottages Sprout Like Mushrooms ( Discuss