Thanks, Tone & Clive. I guess we now tighten our belts, so the big miners can let theirs out a notch or two?
OK, so let me get this right: banks have the economic rents of our land locked up in their mortgages, and we want to let mineral super-profit rents owed to the Australian people to continue to flow to the mining companies? Oh, and aren’t 80% of the latter super-profits expatriated to overseas interests, along with their normal profits? Well, I suppose that’s fair – in a Nigerian sort of way!
I now expect Bill Shorten & Co will quietly try to match your largesse with the big boys, Tony, in order to win back some of the scratch the banks and miners have outlaid to the Liberal Party for favours. Seems to me there’s the Australian people, then there are the leeching 1% and their politicians.
I think Australians are beginning to wake up to what’s going on here.
Guess they’ll have to raise the GST now.