Just when you thought it could not get any worse, how about this article from the Age-: ‘Tenants protected on land tax bill’ July 16 2012-‘ RENTERS will no longer face the risk of being hit with the unpaid land tax bills of their landlords under changes to be introduced to State Parliament.’ My response is thank goodness for that, I would hate to be sent a resource rent bill from the state government for taking some red dust home on my shoes after visiting for hiking, a national park that has a mining lease by one of our mining Oligarchy, who wont pay the public rent for their use, but get subsidized as well by government, the flag waving bludgers of the pope of nope, Tony. Oh their just being kind, by closing an obscene loophole of the rentiers. Be thankful slaves we waived the hidden land tax we never intended to pay?!
Just when you thought it could not get any worse, how about this article from the Age-: ‘Tenants protected on land tax bill’ July 16 2012-‘ RENTERS will no longer face the risk of being hit with the unpaid land tax bills of their landlords under changes to be introduced to State Parliament.’ My response is thank goodness for that, I would hate to be sent a resource rent bill from the state government for taking some red dust home on my shoes after visiting for hiking, a national park that has a mining lease by one of our mining Oligarchy, who wont pay the public rent for their use, but get subsidized as well by government, the flag waving bludgers of the pope of nope, Tony. Oh their just being kind, by closing an obscene loophole of the rentiers. Be thankful slaves we waived the hidden land tax we never intended to pay?!