All posts by Bryan Kavanagh

I'm a real estate valuer who worked in the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) before co-founding Westlink Consulting, a real estate valuation practice. I discovered, by leaving publicly-generated land rents to be privately capitalised by banks and individuals into escalating land price bubbles, this generates repetitive recessions and financial depressions. We need a tax-switch: from wages, profits and commodities onto economic rents/unearned incomes, if we are to create prosperity and minimise excessive private debt.



Whether in capitalist or communist countries, the rentier class has been able to channel most publicly-generated land and natural resource rent unto itself because the 99.9% doesn’t understand the manner in which the tax regime facilitates this perversion.

In either system the 99.9% is told to be patient as wealth will “trickle down” to them. Meanwhile, we are stupid enough to allow ‘alpha males’ at the top of the tree to do the trickling, whilst those below are expected to be grateful as they are trickled upon.

China’s growth rate is expected to fall from 9.2% to 8.5% in 2012. Underpinning much of its growth has been a property bubble without parallel as 50% of rural people have drifted to China’s cities.  Alpha male apes are permitted to seize the bananas in China, too, just as surely as they have been in the west. The poor are left to make do with the skins.

Where is the great difference between capitalism and communism?  Freedom for whom?

Unless China captures a far greater part of its land rent to the public purse, it is only a matter of time before she joins the west in this mocking wealth divide that threatens social stability.

What a shocking indictment at the beginning of the 21st century that so few comprehend the distributional mechanism that has delivered this social and financial collapse!



If you believed Greece had any chance of coming up to scratch, you’d give up any such thoughts after hearing BBC World News’ Sarah Montague’s “HARDTALK” with the EU Commission’s Vice-President Olli Rehn last night.

[This is only a part of the interview, but it carried on along the same lines, with Sarah tripping Rehn up at each and every searching question. Mind you, he didn’t miss a beat, but his responses were just as defensively vacuous.]

Maybe when she grows up Karen Brockman from “Outnumbered” is going to be Sarah Montague?



Absent anyone who’s seen the cat, I’d like to see Ron Paul get up as leader of the Republicans.

That’s because he’d put the wind up the military and up munitions manufacture, arguably one of the few remaining great US industrial successes these days.

And that’s the main reason Ron Paul won’t make it.

Many Americans are only too aware of how success and leadership is beginning to wane in the world’s greatest democracy, and it will be possible for his competitors to generate enough irrational fear that having Ron Paul as leader of the Republican Party equates to the US losing its military supremacy.

Like all disciples of Von Mises, Rothbard, et al, Ron Paul is unfortunately more concerned with money, exchange and the determination of prices than with the laws of production and distribution of wealth which supporters of Henry George know take precedence over money, credit and prices.

Paul’s near-coherent economic policy is better than that of his opponents though, but like Austrian economics in general, it suffers the fatal flaw of not being able to distinguish land from capital. Conflating them won’t allow the distinction that needs to be drawn between earned and unearned incomes to defeat the depression.

But you do have to give Paul credit for the accuracy of his forecasts. They’re almost as good as Georgists such as Fred Harrison, Michael Hudson, Fred Foldvary and myself. (He, like the few non-Georgists who managed to forecast this financial and social collapse, uses credit as a proxy for speculation in land prices.)

Nevertheless, bon chance, Ron!



FIRST, FROM  “Crikey”

18. Housing shortage or a glut — just who do you believe?
Adam Schwab writes:
Shortage or glut? Feast or famine? The question of whether Australia is suffering a housing shortage continues to be hotly disputed, with the real estate and construction lobbies arguing a desperate shortage exists, while other independent bodies, such as Prosper Australia, disputing the notion of a shortage. 

The housing glut argument is led by Earthsharing Australia, which last year produced a report suggesting that the vacancy rate in Melbourne (until recently, one of Australia’s hottest property markets) was about 5%. In fashionable suburbs, such as East Melbourne or the Docklands, vacancy rates exceeded 8%. Earthsharing’s report, which was based on water statistics provided by City West Water and Yarra Valley Water, suggested that more than 60,000 properties lay vacant in Melbourne — substantially more than the reported vacancy report suggested by the real estate lobby.

While not a perfect measure, there is a degree of commonsense to Earthsharing’s report. Rather than attempt to guess whether there is a housing shortage based on economic assumptions, the group simply checked whether to see water was being used in a property — it is not unreasonable to suggest that if no water is being used for a length of time, the property is unoccupied.

That view was contrasted by a report released by the National Housing Supply Council, which echoed the sentiments of construction groups and claimed Australia was in the midst of a housing shortage. In fact, according to the council, the shortage actually increased by 28,200 to 186,800 during 2011. Even worse, the alleged shortage is forecast to widen to 640,000 within 20 years.

The National Supply Council is a strange beast — formed by the federal government in 2008, the organisation is a strange mix of academia, property developers and the even respected Saul Eslake. Included in the council are Mark Hunter (CEO of Stockland Residential), Nigel Satterley (property developer and BRW Rich List member), Ruth Spielman (executive officer, National Growth Areas Alliance) and Simon Norris (Clarendon Homes Queensland).

The council’s rationale for deeming a housing shortage is worth considering further. That is because rather than look at actual demand for housing, the council uses “underlying” demand. This leads to strange results.

Last year, the population of Australia increased by 320,000 — this was through a combination of immigration and births (less deaths). This figure is sourced from the ABS, so we can assume it is about a correct a figure as we can locate. According to the council’s report, there were 131,000 dwellings added last year (this figure is lower than what other sources claim, but we’ll accept it).

The council’s own report noted that there are 8.7 million households in Australia — with a population of 22.4 million, that means there are 2.6 people per household. Using fairly simple arithmetic, that means with 2.6 people per dwelling, and 131,000 new dwellings, enough housing was built last year for 340,000 people.

But wait, the population only increased by 320,000 people — that means, despite the council’s claims, there is a surplus of housing being built (even with dwelling construction being less than forecast). This appears to contradict the council’s finding that the shortage increased in 2011.

The council claimed that “on the demand side, at any given point in time underlying demand may not feed through directly into effective (actual) demand” — basically, what that appears to mean is that while there isn’t really a shortage, it will make some assumptions that allow a shortage to appear.

Later, the council noted that “the level of underlying demand is driven mostly by migration and other demographic factors”. Essentially, it appears the council is claiming that demand may increase in coming years (even though immigration levels are falling, rather than increasing), and that is why a shortage exists. The fact that a surplus of housing was built last year is disregarded.

More mysteriously, the Supply Council also claimed that “there were about 8.7 million households in Australia in June 2010. The number of households is projected to be 12 million by 2030, representing a net increase of nearly 3.3 million households between 2010 and 2030”.

This alarming forecast again doesn’t appear matched by recent facts.

Based on household numbers, the council is predicting an Australian population of 31.2 million in 19 years. That’s an increase of 9 million from the current level. The problem? That would require Australia’s population to increase by 473,000 per year — 42% more than the population increased in 2011. In fact, that’s a higher population growth rate than Australia has ever recorded. The claim is more difficult to justify given that Australia’s population growth and migration is slowing after spiking in 2008 and 2009 (see table below).

Year EndingNet Overseas
June 2008277,400
June 2009299,800
June 2010198,300
June 2011170,300

House prices haven’t increased because of increased demand from migrants outstripping dwelling construction — rather, prices have risen because bank lending has created false demand. Supply factors have played little, if any role in the recent house price growth. As soon as bank lending is restricted (and this is happening already), it is likely the illusion of a supply shortage will disappear. Just like what happened in Japan in the 1990s, or California and Ireland after the recent financial crises.



Putland exposes how the Superannuation Guarantee levy makes a mockery of good governance.



Bryan Kavanagh spouts forth

Alan Kohler has a piece in Business Spectator today entitled “Stumped for Global Growth” which gives another good rundown on the financial quandaries facing the world.

He refers to the Bill Gross article “Paranormal Economic Activity”, subject of my last blog, which also criticises what ‘the powers that be’ have been doing.

But that’s the problem, isn’t it? We know the measures being undertaken don’t address how to get economies working as we try to deleverage from impossible debt burdens, but don’t know exactly where we should be heading.

For starters, I’d suggest we must NOT support banks against the people.

It’s pretty simple: people need their effective demand returned, by writing off, or at least writing down, debt – or else economies simply cannot work.

Then, taxes have to be abolished, a la Ken Henry’s prescription for greater capture of our economic rents.

But that’s where it gets more than a bit embarrassing.

Although Alan Kohler himself used Land Values Research Group charts on ABC-TV news which forecast the financial collapse, it’s another thing altogether to support the Georgist solution on which they were based.

Business, unions and politicians have all tended to snigger at the idea of land value capture when things seemed to be going well (i.e. during the last twelve years of the property bubble), believing it to be an idea from the past.

And, as usual, the property lobby will call for municipal rates and land taxes to be further reduced when the Australian property bubble deflates. This is akin  to supporting the banks against the people, as it directly opposes what needs to be done.

At this point it takes humility for the likes of Alan Kohler and Bill Gross, steeped in the habits of business, to admit that maybe Georgists are onto something: answers are NOT to be found in the status quo.  Maybe Ken Henry’s proposals for tax reform, not far removed from those of the Georgists, offer a timely way out of the impasse?

This is certainly NOT the time for the failed Japanese remedy of supporting the banks at any cost.



It is with particular pleasure that I hasten to answer your letter, and say that I have known of Henry George since the appearance of his Social Problems. I read that book and was struck by the justice of his main thought – by the exceptional manner (unparalleled in scientific literature), clear, popular and forcible, in which he stated his cause – and especially by (what is also exceptional in scientific literature) the Christian spirit that permeates the whole work. After reading it I went back to his earlier Progress and Poverty, and still more deeply appreciated the importance of its author’s activity.

You ask what I think of Henry George’s activity, and of his Single Tax system. My opinion is the following:

Humanity constantly advances: on the one hand clearing its consciousness and conscience, and on the other hand rearranging its modes of life to suit this changing consciousness. Thus, at each period of the life of humanity, the double process goes on: the clearing up of conscience, and the incorporation into life of what has been made clear to conscience.

At the end of the eighteenth century and the commencement of the nineteenth, a clearing up of conscience took place in Christendom with reference to the labouring classes – who lived under various forms of slavery – and this was followed by a corresponding readjustment of the forms of social life, to suit this clearer consciousness: namely, the abolition of slavery, and the organization of free wage-labour in its place. At the present time an enlightenment of men’s consciences is going on in relation to the way land is used; and soon, it seems to me, a practical application of this new consciousness must follow.

And in this process (the enlightenment of conscience as to the utilization of land, and the practical application of that new consciousness), which is one of the chief problems of our time, the leader and organizer of the movement was and is Henry George. In this lies his immense, his pre-eminent, importance. He has helped by his excellent books, both to clear men’s minds and consciences on this question, and to place it on a practical footing.

But in relation to the abolition of the shameful right to own landed estates, something is occurring similar to what happened (within our own recollection) with reference to the abolition of serfdom. The Government and the governing classes – knowing that their position and privileges are bound up with the land question – pretend that they are preoccupied with the welfare of the people, organizing savings banks for workmen, factory inspection, income taxes, even eight-hours working days – and carefully ignore the land question, or even, aided by compliant science, which will demonstrate anything they like, declare that the expropriation of the land is useless, harmful, and impossible.

Just the same thing occurs, as occurred in connection with slavery. At the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries, men had long felt that slavery was a terrible anachronism, revolting to the human soul; but pseudo-religion and pseudo-science demonstrated that slavery was not wrong, that it was necessary, or at least that it was premature to abolish it. The same thing is now being repeated with reference to landed property.  As before, pseudo-religion and pseudo-science demonstrate that there is nothing wrong in the private ownership of landed estates, and that there is no need to abolish the present system.

One would think it would be plain to every educated man of our time that an exclusive control of land by people who do not work on it, but who prevent hundreds and thousands of poor families from using it, is a thing as plainly bad and shameful as it was to own slaves; yet we see educated, refined aristocrats – English, Austrian, Prussian, and Russian – making use of this cruel and shameful right, and not only not feeling ashamed, but feeling proud of it.

Religion blesses such possessions, and the science of political economy demonstrates that the present state of things is the one that should exist for the greatest benefit of mankind.

The service rendered by Henry George is that he has not only mastered the sophistries with which religion and science try to justify private ownership of land, and simplified the question to the uttermost, so that it is impossible not to admit the wrongfulness of land-ownership – unless one simply stops one’s ears – but he was also the first to show how the question can be practically solved. He first gave a clear and direct reply to the excuses, used by the enemies of every reform, to the effect that the demands of progress are unpractical and inapplicable dreams.

Henry George’s plan destroys that excuse, by putting the question in such a form that a committee might be assembled tomorrow to discuss the project and to convert it into law. In Russia, for instance, the discussion of land purchase, or of nationalizing the land without compensation, could begin tomorrow; and the project might – after undergoing various vicissitudes – be carried into operation, as occurred thirty-three years ago* with the project for the emancipation of the serfs.

The need of altering the present system has been explained, and the possibility of the change has been shown (there may be alterations and amendments of the Single Tax system, but its fundamental idea is practicable); and, therefore, it will be impossible for people not to do what their reason demands. It is only necessary that this thought should become public opinion; and in order that it may become public opinion it must be spread abroad and explained – Which is just what you are doing, and is a work with which I sympathize with my whole soul, and in which I wish you success.

Letter to a German Georgist, 1897.

Tolstoy, Leo, Essays and Letters, Oxford University Press, 1911,

Chapter XV1 Letters on Henry George, pp 213 – 238

[* The Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia was decreed in 1861, and was accomplished shortly thereafter.]


Here’s another analyst asking whether we’re in a depression yet.  He asks the right question but — because he finds himself able to ignore the totality of what’s occurring around the world — comes up with the wrong answer.

All but the online media has reached much the same conclusion: No, things are certainly not good, but technical definitions suggest we’re not in a depression – yet.

Seems we’ve only got to get serious when everyone agrees we’re in it, so it’s OK to leave bumbling politicians and economists directing us away from a fact that should have become so patently obvious to all of us by now.

Tax systems are a legacy of the days when land barons ruled the world. Those who monopolise land and key natural resources should not be expected to pay for the privilege. The plebs must pay, by means of taxes on their earned incomes and on their purchases.

Revenues must NOT be drawn from the unearned incomes of our natural resources!

We’ll even encourage the little people to become landholders, so they, too, will come to believe anything more than piddly municipal rates and state land taxes are not in their interests.

Problem is, the little people aren’t idiots. They’ve come to see that the tax system rewards real estate speculators and fines people for working and producing. But they’re too small-scale in property and will have to ratchet things up quite a bit.

As they attempt to do so, they inflate a gigantic property bubble as they proceed in what they perceive to be their best interest.

But, gee! It seems property prices don’t always go up?

And that, dear reader, is exactly where we are. Our revenue systems having given all the wrong signals, we are fresh out of effective demand.  Austerity won’t help us.  Printing money won’t help us.  Those measures only help the banks.

Whilst bumbling economists and politicians run around in circles trying to avoid this conclusion for as long as they can, there was a man of integrity in Australia who said we had to reverse things.  We need to capture more of the economic rent of our land and natural resources and abolish a lot of taxes, he said.  His name was Ken Henry.  He was Secretary of Australia’s federal Treasury.

But the bumbling economists and politicians with all their humbug didn’t like what Ken Henry said because challenging the 1% who thieve our land and natural resource rents and control the mainstream media might really offend them.  Can’t do that: they run the show!

So, the world will leave its tax regimes in much the same mire as they are in now, and keep on heading deeper into the economic mud – which apparently isn’t quite a depression, yet.



Dave Wetzel, Chair of The Labour Land Campaign, was Vice-Chair of Transport for London under former Lord Mayor, Ken Livingston, when he gave this speech.  I reproduce it because its logic remains urgent, especially for public transport groups who remain ignorant of how capital works in public transport may be funded from the uplift they create in land values. Touching also upon the self-inflicted damage wrought by development levies–a current problem in Australia–its call remains imperative.


– by Dave Wetzel

The income from fares is usually insufficient to pay for both the capital cost and running expenses of a modern mass transit system.

Transport practitioners strive to provide a safe, efficient, affordable, reliable, comfortable, clean and convenient journey for passengers.

The service provided not only enables millions of people to travel but also has a wider impact on society generally and more specifically on local and indeed national economies.

When planning new routes wider economic benefits are usually recognised as a justification for Governments to provide subsidies towards the cost of construction and operation.

Apart from travellers who use transport, international studies over many years have shown that there is an additional beneficiary who plays no direct part in transport provision, who makes no contribution to the funding but who takes an unequal large share in the financial benefits arising from the building and operation of good transport links.

Don Riley, a London property developer has written a book “Taken for a Ride” in which he explores the impact of the building of the Jubilee Line Extension (JLE) Underground line in London.

Don Riley visited the tunnelling site in the mid-1990s and has since commented how these men digging the tunnel were sweating hard, risking their lives, not knowing where their next job was coming from, while at the same time he, himself, was making money while he slept as his local land holdings appreciated in value as the line became a reality.

This understanding of the land market inspired Don Riley to calculate the total land value increase that arose within a radius of only 1,000 yards of each of the new JLE stations. His startling conclusion is that these land values alone, have increased by a staggering £13billion when the construction cost of the line itself was only £3.5billion. Don Riley suggests that some of this wealth should have been collected by the Government in order to fund the project.  An independent study carried out for Transport for London, has also estimated that between 1992 and 2002 the JLE caused land values to rise by £2.8bn close to just 2 of the 11 new stations (Southwark and Canary Wharf). This means that the UK Government could have built the JLE at no cost to the public purse if they had just chosen to collect less than one third of the increased land values arising from the scheme!

Instead, with the exception of two modest contributions, the JLE was paid for from normal taxation.

It is no fault of the transport industry that Governments choose to ignore windfall gains that transport creates. However, the findings of Don Riley and others in North America does mean that no longer should transport planners go cap in hand to Governments for subsidies if they wish to fund new projects or renew existing lines. As long as people are flocking to use the trains, then we now know that as well as fares revenue the railway will generate its own finance in the form of increased land values.

If Governments continue to only tax wages, trade or goods and services to create new transport opportunities then they are choosing to give an unearned bonus to the owners of land.

If a Government refuses permission to build a new transport improvement because of inadequate finances and they do not want to increase existing taxes, then they are not only denying users new travel opportunities but also, ironically, denying landowners the opportunity to share in land value gains that would arise if the improvements were financed from a part of these land value gains.

In other words, funding new and improved transport infrastructure from land value gains creates a virtuous economic cycle that provides a win-win situation for all concerned, including the landowners who provide the finance.

  • The Government can provide a new transport improvement;
  • Taxpayers are not penalised;
  • Detrimental taxes on trade are not increased;
  • The travelling public gain shorter travelling times with more convenient journeys;
  • Car users are able to use the new system with economic and environmental gains for all;
  • Businesses near stations see their trade and profits increase; and finally
  • Assuming the project requires even 50% of the land value gain, landowners retain 50% of a large increase if the scheme is completed – rather than 100% of no increase if it is not built!

We all know the adverse effects that traditional taxes have on trade and jobs. A recent study by a UK think-tank has claimed UK tax increases over the past few years have raised individual tax payments by £4k per head, but they have also resulted in a further cost to each taxpayer of an additional £2k because of the damage these taxes do to the economy.

In his recent book “Double Cross”, Ron Banks has estimated that if the UK were to raise its revenues from natural resources rather than use existing taxes, each man, woman and child would be better off by an astonishing £15,000 per head, per annum. If Ron Banks is only half-right, this would mean that a family of four could be £30k a year better off!

So how can Governments realise and collect this hidden subsidy to some of the richest people in the land? Denmark already collects a land tax for local expenditure. All the land is valued each year and a percentage tax applied. In Hong Kong a 15p in the pound income tax is supplemented with huge revenues from Government land leases. In parts of North America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand land wealth contributes directly to public funds.

Of course it is not only transport infrastructure that creates increased land values. Increased population, greater commercial productivity, most good public and private services all add to the value of individual sites. Similarly, Mother Nature provides valuable mineral deposits (oil, gold, diamonds and even coal), fertile fields, beautiful views of rivers, lakes, seas and the countryside – all of which can translate into higher land values.

A Location Benefit Levy (or Land Value Tax) would apply to all sites which would be valued annually for their rental income based on their optimum permitted use, ignoring all improvements. A tax rate would then be applied to this value in order to produce an income for public funds. As the land value rises, so does the sum collected. This means for example, that an empty site with planning permission in a town centre for an office block would pay the tax at the same rate as an identical site next door which already has a similar size office block developed. Unlike taxes on buildings, there would be no reduction for dilapidation or for keeping a site empty. Similarly, there would be no increased tax liability for improving a building.

Reduced Urban Sprawl

If a Location Benefit Levy were introduced, several benefits would begin to flow.

Not only is such a tax cheap to collect and impossible to avoid (you can’t take land to a tax haven) but it would have an immediate incentive for landowners to bring their land into better use. Brownfield sites would be used for homes, jobs or public open spaces, homes and business premises would become more affordable, whole neighbourhoods would be smartened up and revitalised, regeneration would be in the interests of landowners especially in areas that have lost major industries and face reconstruction, in these areas the lower tax on less valuable land would create a vitality that taxes on trade succeed in destroying.

With more affordable premises in towns and cities marginal firms would be able to expand or even start a new business. More jobs would be created, claims for unemployment payments would be reduced and the economy would shift up a gear with a higher GDP.

Similarly, in the domestic market. With homes more affordable in towns and cities the urge for workers to move long distances from their work in order to gain a cheaper home would be avoided. Urban sprawl into the countryside and urban green belts would be diminished and transport providers would avoid the additional cost of providing facilities for longer commutes.

In addition, families would benefit as workers could spend more quality time with their families instead of wasted time commuting.

With less urban sprawl not only would green spaces be saved but society would also avoid the cost of providing new infrastructure.

Compact, high density towns and cities operate much more efficiently and space is released for better planning, perhaps following Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City model.

The Smart Tax

Another reason why some people call the Location Benefit Levy “The Smart Tax” is because although land increases in value around stations, it can reduce on sites adjacent to the railway line that suffer from noise, pollution, visual intrusion or vibration. With the Location Benefit Levy there would be no need for disadvantaged landowners to apply for compensation, as with the next annual revaluation of all sites their land value will be reduced and their tax contributions would be cut also.

A record of land value changes over time would also provide a useful planning tool. When a new mass transit is being planned it would be possible to use the existing record of land value changes to estimate which of a choice of routes would provide the largest land value increase. There may be perfectly valid reasons for choosing an alternative route but at least this decision would be taken in the light of a clear indication of the total value the community puts on each alignment.

Development Land Taxes

The one tax to definitely avoid is a Development Land Tax (DLT).

If you tax an event (in this case development, or seeking permission to develop), the taxpayer can avoid the tax by simply avoiding the event.

Development Land Taxes have been introduced by UK Labour Governments on three occasions: 1947 with Clem Attlee’s Planning Acts, 1967 with Harold Wilson’s Land Commission and in 1976 with Jim Callaghan’s Community Land Act.

On each occasion landowners avoided the tax by reducing development.  This leads to a shortage of land on which developments could take place and an increase in land and thus property prices. Marginal firms were unable to acquire essential premises at a reasonable price and were thus unable to commence trading or expand. The result was lower production, fewer jobs and a reduced GDP.

In fact, when Margaret Thatcher abolished Jim Callaghan’s Development Land Tax the tax income collected was lower than the cost of collection!

Currently, the UK Labour Government is considering Kate Barker’s suggestion for a “Planning Gain Supplement” (yet another DLT).

The questions that have to be asked are:

  1. Why tax only development sites when it would be fair and legitimate to tax all sites?
  2. Why only tax development sites, when all land values arise from natural conditions or the investment and activity of the whole community (public and private)?
  3. Why tax development land when that tax can be easily avoided by not developing or by not seeking planning consent?
  4. Why not apply a Location Benefit Levy (or Land-Value Tax) to ALL sites, (valued for their optimum, permitted use), which can not be avoided?
  5. Why introduce DLT which produces one tax receipt in the life of a building when the alternative of the Location Benefit Levy will produce an annual income?
  6. Why introduce DLT which fails to collect a rightful share of future increases in land values arising from activities which today we are not even aware of, when a Location Benefit Levy with annual revaluations of land, ensures that all future land value increases are shared by all?
  7. Why introduce DLT which is expensive to collect when the Location Benefit Levy is unavoidable, cheap to collect and could be used to reduce other economically harmful taxes such as vat or property taxes?
  8. Why have DLT which charges landowners less for small developments, when the Location Benefit Levy will encourage the best use of each site?
  9. Why introduce DLT which will reduce GDP, when the Location Benefit Levy will maximise GDP?
  10. Why introduce DLT which will sterilise brownfield sites in towns and cities, and encourage urban sprawl, when the Location Benefit Levy will encourage development of brownfield sites (the Levy is paid even if development does not take place) and thus make our urban areas more efficient, avoid urban sprawl and better protect the countryside and green belts?


We all have our own personal interpretation of how “justice” can be achieved. Often “justice” is interpreted in a very narrow legal sense and only in reference to the judicial system, which has been designed to protect the status quo. That isn’t to say we do not require a legal framework, which resolves issues, such as:

  • the international relationships of Governments
  • the regulation of business and trade and the certainty needed in agreeing contracts and commercial relationships
  • the compliance with Government rules and regulationsthe safeguarding of civil liberties
  • protection from criminals
  • employment rights or
  • the settlement of civil disputes.

Of course, all citizens need to know exactly what the legal boundaries are within which their society operates. But just suppose those original rules are unfair and unjust. Then the legal framework, being used to perpetuate an injustice does not make that injustice moral and proper even if within the rules of jurisprudence it is “legal”.

Obvious examples of this dislocation between immoral laws and natural justice is South Africa’s former policy of apartheid; the USA’s former segregated schools and buses; discrimination based on race, religion, disability or sex; slavery; the oppression of women; Victorian Britain’s use of child labour and colonialism. All these policies were “lawful” according to the legal framework of their day but that veneer of legality did not make these policies righteous and just.

Any society built on a basis of injustice will be burdened down with its own predisposition towards self-destruction. Suppressed people will one-day demand justice, rise up and overthrow their oppressors.

Wherever slavery or dictatorship has been installed, history shows that eventually justice will triumph and a more democratic and fairer system will replace it.  It is therefore safe to predict that wherever slavery or dictatorship exists today – it will be superseded by a fairer and more just system.

If we know there is injustice, should we merely wait for a violent response? Do we not have a duty to seek fairness, because it is right and because we value justice and the freedom it brings?

Similarly, let’s consider our distribution of natural resources.

By definition, natural resources are not made by human effort. Our planet offers every inhabitant a bounty – an amazing treasure chest of wealth that can supply all our needs for food, shelter and every aspect for our survival.

Surely, “justice” demands that this natural wealth should be equally available to all and that nobody should starve, be homeless, unemployed, exploited or suffer poverty simply because they are excluded from tapping in to this enormous wealth that nature has provided.

It obviously would be totally impractical for every person to have complete personal access to every part of the planet, to every mineral deposit, to every fertile field, to every city centre office site or every desirable residential location beside a river or an ocean. But as soon as two people want to enjoy the benefits of the same part of the planet that only one can enjoy – a system of distributing nature’s gifts has to be devised.

In the past, this has been resolved by the physically, mentally, militarily strongest, the most cunning or the first settlers claiming possession. Much of our current ownership of land and natural resources descends from this obviously unjust method of distribution.

If our whole economy, with the private possession of land and other natural resources is built upon an injustice – then can any of us really be surprised that we live on a planet where wars continue to predominate, intolerance is common, crime is rife and where poverty and starvation is the norm for a huge percentage of earth’s population.

Is this inherited system really the best we can do?

There must be a method for fairly utilising the earth’s natural resources.

Referring to the rebuilding of Iraq in his speech to the American Congress in 2004, Tony Blair stated “We promised Iraq democratic Government. We will deliver it. We promised them the chance to use their oil wealth to build prosperity for all their citizens – not a corrupt elite. We will do so”.

Thus, Tony Blair recognises the difference between political justice in the form of a democratic Government and economic justice in the form of sharing natural resources.

We have not heard any dissenting voice from this promise to share Iraq’s natural oil wealth for all the people of Iraq to enjoy the benefits. But if it is so obviously right and proper for the Iraqi people to share their natural wealth – why is it not the practice to do the same in all nations?

No landowner can create land values. They do not create the valuable minerals that lie under the soil; neither do they create the land value that arises from the natural fertility of the land, the value of sites with beautiful views of countryside, rivers or oceans nor the site value in the centre of busy cities.

If this were the case, then an entrepreneurial landowner in the Scottish Highlands would be able to create more value than an indolent landowner in the City of London.

No, land values arise because of natural advantages (e.g. local climatic conditions or proximity to natural harbours). They also rise because of the efforts of the whole community – past and present investment by both the public and private sectors, and the activities of individuals. Why do we not assume as our birthright the sharing of these land values, which are as much a gift of nature and probably in most western economies are worth much more than Iraqi oil?

A solution exists. The introduction of a Location Benefit Levy would produce many benefits.

Each site would be valued, based on its optimum permitted use and a levy applied – a similar method to the UK’s commercial rates on buildings but based solely on the land value and ignoring improvements or the size and condition of any existing building.

The effect of this policy would be to give all citizens a share in the natural wealth of their own nation.

The UK (and other Governments) were working on these lines when they auctioned the rental value of the spectrum for third generation mobile phones. In the UK twenty year leases raised £22.4billion for public funds, paid voluntarily by the phone companies. This policy works on exactly the same principle as the Location Benefit Levy and of course future generations will be able to raise fresh funds every 20 years as these spectrum leases come up again and again for regular renewal.

If the Government extends this principle to all common resources by introducing a Location Benefit Levy they could use this flow of income to abolish all other property taxes on buildings. This additional revenue could also pay for the building of new infrastructure which adds to the nation’s wealth (such as railways) or more importantly to reduce those other taxes which most damage our economy (such as sales taxes) and are a burden to collect.

With a Location Benefit Levy, empty sites would be brought into use as landowners sought an income from idle or underused land, the purchase price of land (and hence homes and commercial premises) would become more affordable, reduced interest rates would not create a housing boom and the property cycle of booms and slumps would be evened out.

Because it’s based on land; an immovable property; the Location Benefit Levy would be cheap to collect and impossible to avoid. With annual valuations it would be fair for landowners (even automatically compensating those landowners whose land, for some reason, has decreased in value), it would help reduce the North/South, rich/poor areas divide; and, by encouraging better use of brownfield sites, the propensity for urban sprawl would be diminished and thus our countryside and invaluable urban green field spaces would be better protected.

–       It is an injustice that landowners can speculate on empty sites, denying or delaying their use for jobs or homes.

–       It is an injustice that a factory owner can sack all their workers, smash the roof of their building to let in the rain and be rewarded with elimination of their rates or tax bill.

–       It is an injustice that the poorest residents pay the highest share of their incomes in Council Tax

–       It is an injustice that housing tenants receive no share in the land value appreciation that their very presence creates

–       It is an injustice that most people are denied their legitimate share of the earth’s resources.

I am suggesting a new way of funding our transport systems with a measure that can not only deliver this aim immediately but which has wider implications for prosperity and social justice.

At a time when the fastest travel was on horseback, the early rail pioneers opened up the world and brought people and places closer together at speeds which hitherto had only been imagined. It would be befitting, if you, today’s descendants of those early pioneers not only led the way to sensible transport funding but showed Governments around the World how there is a fairer and more sustainable way to pay for public services.

In transport – we don’t need subsidies – we just need access to the land wealth that the community and Mother Nature creates!

The Location Benefit Levy is not just offering a new way for funding transport but also–and probably more importantly–it offers a simple way to start addressing some of the world’s greatest injustices.