Small business does a good job looking after us, usually on slim margins. The same cannot be said for banking and other corporate monopolies making super-profits. Super-profits are those beyond the more common level expected of businesses, often called ‘economic rents’.

Economic rents are unearned incomes. Why ‘unearned’? They’re ‘surplus product’ in the economic process, the nation’s net income after all normal wages, profits and costs. This surplus product is owed equally to all citizens as an annual dividend or universal income, but we gift it to big corporations by way of tax regimes which tax our earned incomes and purchases, leaving the greater part of these unearned rents untaxed.

By skirting around the biblical injunction that “The land shall not be sold” Jews and Christians have permitted banking and real estate interests to privatise the rent of land, capitalising it into land prices. This process, in turn, escalates land prices year after year, generating mortgages that repetitively become impossible to pay. In effect, we’re working for banks, the real estate industry and other businesses leveraging off these super-profits. It’s all unnecessary.

It’s much the same process for all monopolies, especially the mega-corporate social media. We continue to tax our incomes and purchases, failing to understand the sheer quantum of economic rent available to be taxed away to kill off the inflation that continues to bedevil us.

It’s a destructive process we could do without if we want to experience prosperity. However, we seem to prefer daily headlines describing the wars and social ills that ensue from the paralysis of thought in economic analysis that has us repeating destructive cycles of boom and bust that we witlessly label ‘the natural business cycle’.