
If it’s understood that taxes and land prices are diseases in the body economic, the study of political economy once more becomes a science. Individual and public outcomes are fairer and it becomes possible to abolish poverty and stand-over governments and workplaces.

100% public capture of publicly-generated economic rents puts an end to unearned incomes and super-profits. Insofar as ground rents are no longer privatised, land price falls to zero as there remains no private rent to be capitalised into land prices.

As all taxes on incomes and purchases are passed on into prices, the public capture of rent would see the prices of all goods and services fall because rents can’t be passed on into prices. With the cost-of-living becoming increasingly difficult, it’s pointless to look at outcomes without addressing these fundamental causes.

Since biblical times, many people have understood the foregoing, but the powerbrokers who privatise rents have been unwilling to release their parasitical stranglehold, claiming that rent-seeking is a worthy approach to living, open to anybody.

It isn’t, of course.

Land-grabbing and wars over land would be unikely if “The Land Shall Not Be Sold” were to be put into practice, but as naysayers continue to hold the purse strings, rent reform remains a gigantic task.

The fact that few people understand the role of rent in the economy, and its sheer extent, makes it easier to retain a terribly failing status quo, despite the common sense espoused by a litany of thinkers.

Sometimes you can feel like a kid when you state the obvious.