We can’t quite bring ourselves to consider and discuss the fundamental remedy for the soul-destroying bifurcation happening across the world. The Hamas-Israel war confirms the phenomenon isn’t improving.

It’s likely to get worse, of course, because neither the left or right side of the split is prepared to admit the fundamental cause is land-grabbing. “No, that’s just too simplistic!”

Is it possible that we might respond and heal were we to acknowledge the longstanding imperative that land should not be sold – that the land rent be paid? Nup, it once was, but it’s on the agenda of very few people these days.

Australia has the constitutional referendum on The Voice on Saturday. It’s likely to be lost, unfortunately. Even among those prepared to vote ‘Yes’, we’d expect the fingers of one hand to number those who could bring themselves to accept anything like the following as a preamble to the Constitution that might bring Australians back together: –

We’re therefore likely to continue to proceed “as is”, with Australia poised to experience the final three-year speculative mania of the current eighteen-year real estate cycle – and suffer its devastating consequences.

This has been blogged as a positive reminder that there are remedies to be found amidst the gloom in which the world finds itself.