Grandkids’ heads


Privatising land, commodifying it, selling it at ridiculous price,

Philosophers, first nations peoples, all said: “No dice!”

They said: “Land is common heritage, we need to pay its rent,

Or, boom-bust, poverty and war: that’s not heaven-sent!


Real estate, banking, media, all pump the price of land,

Politicians all ‘invested’, it’s become quite out of hand.

The penalty we pay: land prices, taxes; not the rent of land;

Partners and kids servile, to a debt they don’t understand.


A misbegotten economy not working for us at all,

Trying to live life free from indebted thrall,

Paying mortgages and taxes, aiming to do the best

In a world gone awry, as it fails humanity’s test.


Peace and security, a roof over grandkids’ heads?

It can’t go on like this.

Land rent not taxes,

If we want to see it fixed.