The blurb says: “Can you imagine a better Australia?
House prices are rising faster than wages. Our taxation system is torturous. The Global Financial Crisis and have left us with a debt that we will never be able to repay. There is a feeling that something is not right but the solution eludes us.
If you have ever pondered these things then this book is for you.

It most certainly is!

Over the weekend, I read Anthony Gill’s “The Luckier Country: Recovery, Reform and Prosperity“. It’s the modern “Progress and Poverty”, incredibly insightfuland constructed with logic, humour and humanity. It’s a wide-ranging questioning of the status quo, without at all getting bogged down in economic terminology.

Such are the times, and such is the quality of the book, “The Luckier Country” merits being the program for Australia’s incoming government!

If you haven’t yet got my gist, I highly recommend it.