You’ll need to click on Mr Tritch’s chart and save it, if you want to see it properly. It has proven to be accurate in establishing cycles in economic activity that have effectively turned out to be 18-year real estate cycles (which have lesser mid-term deviations).

Big post-WWII real estate peaks show up at “B“: 1953, 1972, 1989, 2007, (2026?), with smaller collapses from the lesser intermediate peaks of 1965, 1981, 1999 & 2019 at “A“.

So, don’t be too fussed about any 2023 downturn next year, folks, because the 2026 peak is the next “biggie”. What will follow the bursting of the extended land price bubble to 2026 promises to be our next financial depression.

This particular outcome will be the direct result of taxing workers and businesses—and accomodating all the corruption, skullduggery and games of mates that this produces—instead of taxing land values, or as Georgists would have it, publicly capturing the publicly-produced annual ground rent.

We are incredibly foresworn to property speculation and misgovernment, and in this respect academic economics has proven not only to be useless, but complicit.