Kondtratieff Waves

Just thinking: Things are sticking pretty well to script as the world is relentlessly directed into one of humanity’s worst socio-economic crises.

There will be false flag ‘recoveries’ along the way over the next four years to raise our hopes–and a media beholden to those who steal our economic rent will seize on these–but the bursting of the peak of the 18 year real estate cycle in 2026, together with what I see to be the end of the extensive fourth Kondratieff Wave (the period between financial depressions) will have their way with us.

Gloomy stuff; but well-founded. We can’t have a genuine recovery, you see, while political inaction on the insidious corruptions of parasitic rent-seeking continue to direct the show. We don’t want to be seen as ‘spoil sports’, so we’ve become pretty expert at trying to deal with life’s fripperies as Rome burns.

That rent-seekers are able to sell boom-bust as ‘the natural business cycle’ becomes an obscenity once it’s understood that that ongoing privatisation of community-generated land rent has shredded the social fabric into a few big winners at everyone else’s expense. This shouldn’t be, but few understand the term rent-seeking, much less the social devastation into which it repetitively implodes.

Try this excellent reading on the subject.