2008 –> 2020 –> 2026

There are not many saying we can hold out until 2026, Mase.

Following the peak of the Kondratieff Wave in 1972/73, there has been a gradual decline in the growth of gross domestic product . It is not coincidental that this has been accompanied by increasing levels of real estate speculation. It happens all the time. However, government authorities and political parties turn a deaf ear to warnings about the upcoming financial depression.

They won’t be warned, because the study of economics was rigged to ignore the damaging role of land prices, taxation, money and private debt. Tax regimes have been structured in such a way as to treat property speculation simply as another form of capital investment. [!]

Therefore, the incredibly destructive boom-bust phenomenon must be painted as being ‘unavoidable’: “It’s the natural business cycle”.

And we’re stupid enough to believe it!

C’mon Treasury: lift your game! Tell it like it is!