A good win by the Australian cricket team, especially our new Don Bradman and recent bad boy, Steve Smith; supported of course in this 4th test by some pretty good fast bowling: but not much else.

A striking ashes series in which Aussies have also to acknowledge the innings of English bad boy Ben Stokes in the 3rd test. It’ll be remembered for years, too.

Something about bad boys having to prove themselves?

Then there’s the other ‘ashes’ in which it’s pretty tough to engage people at all, because it’s not such good news as the result of the test cricket series is to Aussies. [Maybe to suffering Englishmen, then?]

I’m a slow bowler, coming in on the fast bowler’s run-up. You might say I’m the veteran of the team, coming in off the long run; that is, since the end of WWII: the beginning of Nikolai Kondratieff’s 4th Long Wave; the one K didn’t live to see.

Kondratieff didn’t claim to understand what fashioned his great cycle of approximately 60 years, in his time series analysis of 36 price studies from the US, UK, France and Germany.

Of course neoliberal economists will declaim the ‘K-wave’ cycle, because it exposes their absolute impotence and their often useless mathematical models – particularly as economic depressions define the period of each Long Wave.

This one’s unfortunately going to reduce world economies to ashes. Not everyone’s cup of tea for discussion or analysis, I guess. I suppose like all good grasshoppers we should remain positive, up and about, and happy – never like those crazily negative damn ants.

Otherwise, you don’t know what might happen!

Post WWII, the 4th K-wave built up nicely to its inflationary peak in 1971, since which time increasingly greater real estate bubbles–which Nikolai Kondratieff failed to see had developed each one of his Long Waves–have directed the world relentlessly towards yet another depressionary trough that I consider, beginning in 2008, will extend into the late 2020s – because tax regimes will continue to devastate productive activity as they reward tax evaders and rent-seekers via banking, real estate speculation and debt.

Heterodox economists, money and debt theorists, MMT-ers and UBI supporters, generally correct in their analyses, will at best be lukewarm to this remedy, whilst rent-seeking neolibs will resist it until the last man has been bowled out.

That’s why we mustn’t speak about this other ashes

………. yet.

Things that shouldn’t have been said:


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