Out of the multiplying and menacing labour difficulties of our time there is but one way to escape, and that is by the restoration to all men of their natural and inalienable rights to the use upon equal terms of the element on which and from which all men must live —the land.

If there were a brisk demand for labour, there would be no surplus of labourers anxious for work upon any terms upon which
employers could draw. That there is not such a demand for labour is due simply to the fact that labourers are prevented by the monopoly of natural opportunities from employing themselves. Here is the point on which the efforts of labour should be concentrated.

The restoration of these opportunities can easily be obtained by the ballot. In the ballot, working men have in their hands the power
of so adjusting taxes as to make tin; dogs in the manger let go their hold. When this is done there will be no necessity for strikes, and competition, instead of crushing the labourer, will secure to him the full reward of his toil.

  • Henry George (just before his death, 1897)

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