New State government in Victoria, eh? We’re really turning governments over, n’est-pas? Probably too much to expect they’ll be able to kick goals when they’re just as far away as ever from funding a big infrastructure program from the uplift in value it will bring. (Doesn’t that mean more taxes, or debt – or both?)
For that matter, will Tony Abbott’s $3bn for the East-West Link still be available for other capital works if new premier Dan Andrews cancels the project ?
And the feds are still wrestling with the last budget just as the new one is beginning to emerge over the horizon.
Welcome to new-politics-Oz: the morass.
And now the ‘silly season’ is upon us, too?
Go Oz!
Cancelling the East West Tunnel will be broken promise number one.
And the spin, breach of the contract will expose Victorian taxpayers to crippling penalties that the Liberals should never had signed up to. So it will be with deep regret, after receiving legal advice, that this tunnel must continue.
The newspapers will sympathise with Andrews on this one as he didn’t dine with Rupert the other week for nothing.