People, you are being ripped off mercilessly, not by the 1% as this Huffington Post article says, but by the 0.1%. Wake up to yourselves for goodness sake, and put an end to all this rent-seeking in values that YOU as a community generate!
You don’t understand what rent-seeking is? It’s the annual economic rent of YOUR land, natural resources and government-granted privileges that should accrue EQUALLY to all of YOU, but the 0.1% manage to squirrel most of it unto themselves. Then they fine you on your earnings and enterprise by means of a tax regime THEY have designed! It is theft, and they continue to make clowns of you!
The process is pretty straightforward, but you really do need to make the effort to get your head around it. By merely documenting and describing the symptoms, even the Huffington Post article falls short in this regard. It doesn’t see that prescribing the public capture of publicly-created values is THE REMEDY to such horribly-widening wealth differentials!
DON’T fall for the 0.1%’s rhetoric that there are no easy solutions!