Taxation develops land price bubbles.
Public capture of economic rent curbs land price bubbles.
Therefore, replace taxation with public capture of economic rent to curb land price bubbles.
Taxation and bubble-inflated mortgages create unsustainable debt.
Public capture of economic rent does not create unsustainable debt.
Therefore, replace taxation with public capture of economic rent.
Taxation is theft from the earned incomes of labour and capital.
Capture of publicly-generated economic rent is not theft from earned incomes.
Therefore, replace taxation with public capture of economic rent.
Taxation, land price bubbles and unsustainable debt have created this economic depression.
Public capture of land and resource rents can abolish taxation, land price bubbles and debt.
Therefore, public capture of land and resource rents can remedy this depression.
Rentiers privatise publicly-generated economic rent.
Privatised economic rent is capitalised into land and resource price bubbles.
Therefore, do not permit publicly-generated economic rent to be privatised by rentiers.
Rentiers are rich and powerful.
Politicians kowtow to the rich and powerful.
Therefore, politicians will not put an end to economic rent being privatised – nor to this economic depression.
Doing so well until the last one. Rentiers are not only the rich and powerful, nor are all the rich and powerful rentiers.
Everyone who owns land is a rentier. Because many people gain small benefits – some of which are considerable against their own wealth – it is not about the rich and powerful vs the poor. In many cases, it is weighing the portions of our own income – rent, capital, labour – against each other.
Yes, the squatter remains the enemy. Unfortunately, the squatter is now mixed within individuals with the worker, the investor and the entrepreneur.