How’d you like to abolish more than one hundred taxes on labour, capital and employment in Australia?

–      That’s the proposal of the Henry Tax Review.

How’d you like real tax reform – the abolition of most of our taxes?

–      That’s the proposal of the Henry Tax Review.

How’d you like far cheaper prices as a result of the removal of more than one hundred taxes plus all their cascading deadweight costs?

–      That’s the effect of the Henry Tax Review proposals.

How’d you like to have the 0.1% who’ve been able to avoid paying their fair share to the public coffers paying more?

–      That’s the effect of the Henry Tax Review proposals.

How’d you like to assist productivity?

–      That’s the effect of the Henry Tax Review proposals.

How’d you like the poor and middle class to pay more tax to assist the wealthy?

–      That’s the proposal of the Grattan Institute and of some of the State premiers who want to extend the GST. (They call this ‘tax reform’!)

Why will we have an extended GST, even though the Labor Party claims it doesn’t want to do this? (Really?) And why will our elected representatives mistreat us this way?

–      We cop it in the neck because politicians are too timid to challenge the seat of power and privilege.  …. So we’re no longer their constituents: we’ve become their stooges.  Call them to account!

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