All posts by Bryan Kavanagh

I'm a real estate valuer who worked in the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) before co-founding Westlink Consulting, a real estate valuation practice. I discovered, by leaving publicly-generated land rents to be privately capitalised by banks and individuals into escalating land price bubbles, this generates repetitive recessions and financial depressions. We need a tax-switch: from wages, profits and commodities onto economic rents/unearned incomes, if we are to create prosperity and minimise excessive private debt.

RESERVE BANKS EASILY ASTONISHED! (Originally Thurs 4 Dec 2008)



At last night’s Lowy Institute lecture in Sydney, the former governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Ian Macfarlane, said that he found the events of the last year to “have been quite astonishing”.  Maybe for some, but three and a half years ago in THE AGE of 15 June 2005 I warned the RBA not to increase interest rates because Australia was “primed to tank into a deflation” and “in the current deflationary environment … the next adjustment of Australian interest rates would more properly be down.”

The RBA chose to ignore the looming asset price drop, ratcheting interest rates up seven times by 25 basis points over the next three years. Now, the RBA’s “seeing is believing” approach has witnessed it move into panic mode to lower interest rates an amazing 3.00% in just three months! Surely this hopelessly dilatory action is the really ‘astonishing’ event, Mr Macfarlane? It is a damning indictment of the very body whose raison d’etre is to maintain full employment and to protect Australians and their currency.

The Bank took no cognisance at all of the real estate bubble that I quantified and defined, prefering to listen only to its approved ‘experts’, any of whom I would challenge to match my forecast of the global collapse in the British Journal Geophilos in 2001.

In “Secrets and Lies” in the Business Spectator of 2 December, Alan Kohler noted that Goldman Sachs admits to tailoring the truth a little in delivering its economic prognostications, because it is a commercial organisation, and, well …. it just has to!  My colleagues and I at the Land Values Research Group and Prosper Australia are not such a commercial organisation and don’t have to ‘doctor’ and spin any of our studies.  We’ll simply stick to providing the facts about what they reveal, because once these are known and  understood it will be seen there are workable solutions to the financial implosion.

OK, so Ian Macfarlane seems to agree with Christopher Joye of RP Data Rismark and other crash-deniers that although our real estate bubble is some 1.7 times larger than the US’s, ours isn’t about to burst. Want a bet? Astonished?

Here comes “THE DEPRESSION”!


When you’ve seen this socio-economic collapse coming from a long way off, you need to get the absolute frustration with public policy out of your system – especially as it relates to the damaging effects of taxation!

Each of my ‘commentaries’ up to and including May 2009 was e-mailed to all Australian federal politicians – until I saw the pointlessness of that!

So, this commentary will be my catharsis. If others are interested, that’s great!

There’s been a hiatus since May, but as of 26 August 2009 The Depression is up and running!

– Bryan Kavanagh
