Incredible! Whether she has a fallback on the developer or insurance is not the point. What’s happening to our construction standards? Do roof plumbers know their job anymore?
That’s not all that’s leaking. My daughter recently rented a brand new townhouse in Safety Beach. The leaks from the roof due to Melbournes deluge this weekend has buggered all her furniture. Brand new construction and leaks like a sieve. (The landlord-investor who ‘owns’ the property is one of our Celebrity Chefs from ‘My Kitchen Rules’)
The punchline- if this is typical of our construction standards then I pity all those highly indebted homebuyers of recent years who face huge costs to rectify shoddy built houses on top of crippling mortgage repayments.
Incredible! Whether she has a fallback on the developer or insurance is not the point. What’s happening to our construction standards? Do roof plumbers know their job anymore?
That’s not all that’s leaking. My daughter recently rented a brand new townhouse in Safety Beach. The leaks from the roof due to Melbournes deluge this weekend has buggered all her furniture. Brand new construction and leaks like a sieve. (The landlord-investor who ‘owns’ the property is one of our Celebrity Chefs from ‘My Kitchen Rules’)
The punchline- if this is typical of our construction standards then I pity all those highly indebted homebuyers of recent years who face huge costs to rectify shoddy built houses on top of crippling mortgage repayments.