I wasn’t impressed with Barack Obama’s performance on matters economic in his first great debate with Presidential challenger Mitt Romney.
Obama has shown you can get to be a pretty slick professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago but still a complete dud at daily living—sometimes known as ‘economics’—the study of which has been allowed to be hijacked by professional idiots.
However, in order to prove he’s also a dud at everyday matters, Romney has pulled some figures out of his fundamental orifice to suggest it’s Big Bird’s PBS the USA has to worry about – not the banking and financial excesses of Wall Street.
Obama has tried to capitalise on Romney’s poor maths and stupidity with this clever advert, but isn’t that a matter of the pot calling the kettle black?
Why are both sides unprepared to look at what the 0.1% rentier class has done to the world financial system?
This is capitalism?
No, it’s not.
It’s an interesting point you make – how much is any entity a ‘rent seeker’.
There are two sub questions in there – proportion and scale.
What proportion of the PBS budget is a return due to ‘rent seeking’?
Same question could obviously be asked of the ABC here.
Alternatively put, what proportion of the current value of limited resources (frequency spectrum, other government licensing) is not paid for.
I don’t think that the argument of pimple on pumpkin is valid. There is no ‘pumpkin’, just a collection of pimples of various sizes.
You can’t excuse parasitism based on scale. You may be able to mitigate on the basis of proportion and even more so on intent.
Arguably PBS is a rent-seeker to lesser extent than most of us, and no more than a pimple on a pumpkin in comparison with the Obama-Romney axis.
PBS is part of the rentier class.