The problem is not the US (or Barack Obama).

The problem is not Australia (or Kevin Rudd).

The problem is not Europe (or the EU)

The problem is not China.

The problem is not politicians.

The problem is not the environment.

The problem is not global warming.

The problem is not population.

The problem is not human rights.

The problem is not unfairness.

The problem is not cruelty.

The problem is not pharmaceuticals nor drugs.

The problem is not education.

The problem is not unemployment.

The problem is not provision for retirement.

The problem is not money.

The problem is not banking.

The problem is not the share market.

The problem is not business.

The problem is not housing.

The problem is not land prices.

The problem is not dispossession.

The problem is not insufficient funding.

The problem is not debt.

The problem is not poverty.

The problem is not labour.

The problem is not capital.

The problem is not productivity.

The problem is not monopoly.

The problem is not the uber-wealthy.

The problem is not war.

It is all of the above, as impacted and misshapen by taxation.

Revenues derived from rents can’t misshape nor destroy  anything!

No problem can be remedied successfully if taxes aren’t abolished. Simple.


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You say we need more funds to tackle poverty, homelessness, health, the environment, education and infrastructure? I say instituting the Henry Tax Review is a BIG step towards solving those problems.

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